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when ur gonna make a free version dude i cant even pay it due my region.... like wtf

you should just make your own car then

nvm i made the most advanced AI and it took weeks...

i started making the ai 10 days after my comment here it was super crappy

now however its advanced soo much

it has path follow based driver follow other AI based driver it also has point of interest based AI that just drives randomly and avoids other incoming collisions

the ai does communicate with other AIs in some situations like tendem drift or race follow or regular driving

on each one has different behavious for example in tendem if the target vehicle is too close the other ai tells the target to be careful and cancel brake check method (which is its a minimal logic to correct drifting) if that happens there is 2 ways the target will respond, either it will send signal no you slow down im slower than you or alright please becareful which is makes the AI's steering more consistant than the target's steering which is makes the vehicle slow down and not get to close

surprisingly with all this stuff behind the scenes the performance is interestingly fast and there is no lag spike even when dynamic graphics enabled in base game

thanks for replying tho i forgot to check this page

Is this project abandoned? I cannot see the video and cannot buy either


The project is not abandoned, coming soon a new version that will include car physics and AA (Autonomous agent) of the pursuit player, AA of the path following.

My youtube:

That's amazing! congrats on the project. I'm interested on some stuff, I saw your email address in your other car project I think, will try to contact you to ask some stuff when I have some spare time! 

I tired to buy, but it said "The merchant isn’t able to accept PayPal payments at this time. Please try again later or return to the merchant and choose another way to pay."

why its not freeee :CRIES:

well done!